A Friend in the Dark

“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”

I love a good title that’s enigmatic, provokes thought, and invites a marriage of the experiences of the creator and listener.

As I sought an album title, with track titles and contents already in place, I came upon this quote from my niece’s hero. If even half of the internet quotes attributed to Helen Keller are verifiable, it would still seem a tad unbelievable that a person so experienced with challenge would beam with such optimism.

Adversity is a fact of life, and rarely shared so globally as we have seen in the past three years. During this time, my family has been learning to live with my pandemic-adjacent diagnosis of Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease. As I come to terms with words like “progressive” and “degenerative”, I am at peace with my traveling companion “Pedey”, knowing that our relationship will in fact outlive all others I hold far more dearly.

With that understanding, I ask you, why do so many of us wake in the morning and curse any part of ourselves? I instead implore us to show patience, seek love, and search for beauty in all things.

Everything, everything, teeters elegantly on one unending high-wire.

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