My Parkinson’s Journey

My Parkinson’s Journey @rickseaholm 1 of 11 #Parkinsons and #Change Trying out a bit of a long-form story-telling. My own thoughts and music. #yopd #earlyonset #diagnosis #dealingwithemotions#thinkingofyou ♬ original sound…

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Major Minors

We closed last time talking about the wisdom to know the difference between those things we can and can’t change. It seems valuable to do a deeper dive here because…

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The journey through life often presents unexpected twists and turns, challenging us to confront complacency and embrace the beauty of each moment. In a heartfelt reflection captured in a recent…

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Daily Routine

As I navigate life with Parkinson’s disease, one of the most startling experiences I encounter regularly is the sensation that wakes me from sleep. It’s difficult to put into words,…

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Making It Make Sense

Last time, we traced an achievement of ours back in time, through each and every nodal point wherein we had confirmed, affirmed, or established the path that would ultimately get…

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The Lock Screen

Rick’s narrative delves into the intricate tapestry of life’s highs and lows, shedding light on the profound impact of human relationships amidst the ebb and flow of existence. The episode…

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What Really Matters

Season 1 focused on noticing change in our lives, and recognizing different types of change. The goal there, as with the entire “No Other Life” project, was to understand a…

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